Mixpanel Import (Cohort)

Understand how to import cohorts from Mixpanel


Mixpanel integration enables the following capabilities:

  • Import Mixpanel cohorts to the CleverTap dashboard
  • Engage with users from the imported cohort by using Campaigns and Journeys in the CleverTap dashboard
  • Export campaign events to Mixpanel for further analysis. For more information, refer to Mixpanel Export.

When exporting cohorts from Mixpanel, the Partner Sync event is raised and cohorts are exported as segments in CleverTap. The user from the CleverTap dashboard can then engage with the segment and export the engagement events data to Mixpanel for further analysis.


The following are the prerequisites for Mixpanel Import:

  1. Integrate CleverTap SDK and set $CleverTap_user_id in Mixpanel using Mixpanel SDK methods or APIs. For more information, refer to Set Common User Identifier between CleverTap and Mixpanel.
  2. Enable CleverTap Integration.


Mixpanel Project Admin

You must be a Mixpanel project admin to enable the CleverTap integration from the Mixpanel dashboard. For more information, see Project Roles and Permissions – Mixpanel Help Center.

Set Common User Identifier between CleverTap and Mixpanel

A common identifier is used to match users between Mixpanel and CleverTap. For more information about matching user profiles, refer to User Identity Management. The common user identifier is set up in the following two ways:

Using SDK Methods

The value that is passed in $CleverTap_user_id should be the same as passed in mixpanel.identify (“123456”)

// Sets user "$CleverTap_user_id" attribute to "123"
mixpanel.getPeople().set("$CleverTap_user_id", "123");

// replace the value of $CleverTap_user_id with the User Identity value set in 
// CleverTap SDK for the profile and not the CleverTap ID.
// Sets user "$CleverTap_user_id" attribute to "123"
Mixpanel.mainInstance().people.set(properties: [ "$CleverTap_user_id":"123"])
// Sets user $CleverTap_user_id attribute to "123"
[mixpanel.people set:@{@"$CleverTap_user_id": @"123"}];
// Sets user $CleverTap_user_id attribute to "123"
'$CleverTap_user_id': '123'

Using Mixpanel APIs

The Value that is passed in $CleverTap_user_id should be the same as passed in $distinct_id.

curl --request POST \
     --url 'https://api.mixpanel.com/engage#profile-set' \
     --header 'Accept: text/plain' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
     --data 'data={
    "$token": "YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN",
    "$distinct_id": "13793",
    "$ip": "",
    "$set": {
          "$CleverTap_user_id": "123"

// replace the value of $CleverTap_user_id with the User Identity value set in 
// CleverTap for the profile.

Enable CleverTap Integration

To enable the integration:

  1. Click the data icon in the top navigation bar and then select Integrations.

Navigating to Integrations Page from Mixpanel Dashboard

  1. From the Integrations page, select CleverTap and then click Connect.

  2. Enter the following project details to authorize the connection. These details are obtained by navigating to the Settings page of the CleverTap dashboard.

    • Project ID
    • Passcode
    • Region

    To identify the region of your account, check the URL of your CleverTap account.

Refer to the following table to identify the region for your account:

CleverTap Project Details

CleverTap Project Details

After establishing the connection successfully, the CleverTap integration displays a “Connected” tag (see figure below).


CleverTap and Mixpanel Integration Successful

Import Cohorts


Verify User Identification

To ensure that the user profiles imported from Mixpanel are correctly identified in CleverTap, we recommend importing a smaller cohort before proceeding with larger cohorts.

To import cohorts from Mixpanel:

  1. Navigate to Cohorts from the Mixpanel dashboard by clicking Cohorts under Users in the navigation bar.
  2. Select the cohort that you want to export and then click on the ellipses icon to the right side of the cohort.
  3. Select Export to > CleverTap.

Exporting Cohorts to CleverTap

  1. Select one of the following sync types and then click Start Sync:
  • One-time Sync
    In the case of one-time sync, Mixpanel sends a one-time list of users who are currently part of the cohort to CleverTap. The cohort name defined in the Mixpanel dashboard appears as the segment under the Segment list page of the CleverTap dashboard.

  • Dynamic Sync
    In the case of dynamic sync, Mixpanel initiates sync between a cohort and CleverTap every 15 minutes. The imported segment is updated every 15 minutes to reflect the most recent list of users in the segment. The cohort name defined in the Mixpanel dashboard appears as the segment under the Segment list page of the CleverTap dashboard.


Delay in Sync Initialization

The sync initialization from Mixpanel may take up to 15 minutes to start exporting users after it is enabled from the Mixpanel dashboard.


Mixpanel Cohort Sync

Every dynamic cohort sync from Mixpanel includes only the users added or removed from the cohort after the last sync.

User Identity Management

Mixpanel exports only identified users to other partners, such as CleverTap. When receiving segments from Mixpanel, the user identity is matched in the following manner:

  • If the $CleverTap_user_id is present, it is matched with the identity value of all the users present in CleverTap. If a match is found, the profile becomes part of the segment.
  • If the $CleverTap_user_id` is not present or does not match with a user profile in CleverTap, then a new user profile is created and becomes part of the segment.

Refer to the following scenarios to understand how profiles are merged to become a part of the segment in Clevertap.

  • Scenario 1: $CleverTap_user_id is not defined for user identified in the Mixpanel platform
    If the$CleverTap_user_id for User A is not set for a Mixpanel profile (identified) and mixpanel_distinct_id = 123456, the Partner Sync event is raised with Identity = 123456 in the CleverTap platform.

  • Scenario 2: $CleverTap_user_id and mixpanel_distinct_id is defined for the user in the Mixpanel
    If the $CleverTap_user_id for User A = 123456 and mixpanel_distinct_id = 986791, the Partner Sync event is raised with Identity = 123456 ($CleverTap_user_id) in the CleverTap platform.

Additional User Properties

During Mixpanel cohort export, Mixpanel may also send the Email and Phone numbers of the users to CleverTap when available. These user profile properties are also updated in the Clevertap system user property (email and phone number).

View Segment

The exported Mixpanel cohort is displayed under the Segments list page in the CleverTap dashboard. The Type column under the Segments list page for the exported cohort is displayed as Partner - Mixpanel.


Viewing Imported Mixpanel Segment

Click the segment to view the statistics for this segment, like any other segment on the CleverTap dashboard.


Viewing Statistics for Imported Mixpanel Segment

Use Partner - Mixpanel Segment for Segmentation

You can also engage with the cohorts imported from Mixpanel by creating different campaigns and journeys.
The process of creating campaigns for the Past Behavior Segment and Live Behavior Segment is the same except for where we need to select the segment.

Select Segment for Past Behavior Campaigns/Journeys

To select the segment:

  1. From the dashboard, select Campaigns.
  2. Click + Campaign.
  3. From the Messaging Channels list, select the messaging channel.
  4. Click Who and filter the target audience by selecting With User Properties > Segments.
  5. Select the imported user segment from the available list of segments.

Filtering Imported Mixpanel Segments

Scenario: Customer wants to send an In-App Message campaign to the user from Bangalore city when they launch the mobile application.

In this case, the customer will create a cohort in the Mixpanel dashboard and initiate a one-time export to CleverTap for engagement activities. On the CleverTap dashboard, the customer will create an In-App campaign for this cohort of users. To create the campaign, the customer will navigate to In-App Campaign and select the segment under the Who segment section in the following way:

  1. Select App Launched event under As soon as the user does section.
  2. Select Filter on past behavior and user properties checkbox.
  3. Select With user properties > Segments and then select the segment name from the list.

Select Segment for Live Campaigns/Journeys

To select the segment:

  1. From the dashboard, select Campaigns.
  2. Click + Campaign.
  3. From the Messaging Channels list, select the messaging channel.
  4. Click Who and then select Partner Sync event from the list.
  5. Click Filter and then select Event Property Action = Added.


Partner Sync Event

The Partner Sync event is raised every time CleverTap receives a cohort sync request from Mixpanel.

  1. Filter the target audience by selecting Segments under With User Properties.
  2. Select the imported user segment from the available list of segments.

Filtering Imported Mixpanel Live Behavior Segments

Scenario: Customer wants to send a recurring Email campaign to the users that added an item to the cart but did not purchase the item.
In this case, the customer will create a cohort in the Mixpanel dashboard and initiate a recurring export to CleverTap for engagement activities. On the CleverTap dashboard, the customer will create a recurring Email campaign for this cohort of users. To create the campaign, the customer will navigate to Email Campaign and create the campaign in the following way:

  1. Select Start here > Live Behavior.
  2. Select Partner Sync event under As soon as the user does section.
  3. Click Filter and then select Event Property Action = Added.
  4. Select Filter on past behavior and user properties checkbox.
  5. Select Segments under With user properties and then select the segment name from the list.

Use Partner-Mixpanel Segment in Find People

To find the Partner-Mixpanel Segment:

  1. Navigate to Segments > Find People from the CleverTap dashboard.
  2. Select Partner Sync event from the Users who did section.
  3. Select Segments under Display common properties such as and select the segment name from the list.

Filtering Imported Mixpanel Segments from Find People Page

Partner Sync Event

The Partner Sync event is raised for all the users who are part of the Mixpanel cohort. The following table provides information about the properties of the event:

Property Name


Property Value/Example

Partner Segment Name

Indicates the name of the cohort exported from Mixpanel

For example, Cart Drop off


Indicates if the user has been added or removed from the segment in CleverTap dashboard

  • Added
  • Removed
Partner Segment IDIndicates the Cohort ID in the Mixpanel dashboardFor example, 1638361188
CT SourceIndicates the source of eventMixpanel
Partner NameIndicates the name of the partnerMixpanel


Campaign Exceptions for Partner Sync Event

The Partner Sync event cannot be used as a trigger event to create the campaigns for the following channels as it is not an SDK event:

  • In-App Messages
  • Web Popup
  • Web Exit Intent
  • App Inbox
  • Native Display


Contribution towards Billing

The Partner Sync event contributes to data points for MAU Billing Type and as an event for Container Billing Type.


This section provides information about common errors/problems faced during Mixpanel Import.

Problem: The cohort does not display on the CleverTap dashboard even after successfully connecting the CleverTap account from the Mixpanel dashboard.

Resolution: Ensure that the following details are correctly entered when connecting the CleverTap account:

  • CT Account ID
  • Passcode
  • Region

These details can be obtained by navigating to the Settings > Project page of the CleverTap dashboard (see figure below):

CleverTap Project Details

CleverTap Project Details

For more information about identifying the region of your account, refer to Enable Integration.