
Learn how to integrate OneXtel with CleverTap for WhatsApp communication.


CleverTap users can now leverage OneXtel WhatsApp capabilities to communicate with customers. Communications include:

  • Sending real-time, personalized offers to drive customer engagement and purchases.
  • Gathering feedback on the services.
  • Keeping customers updated about important information, such as promotions, service updates, or event alerts.

Prerequisites for Integration

The following are the prerequisites for OneXtel:

  • An active OneXtel WhatsApp account must be set up on
  • WhatsApp add-on enabled on the CleverTap account in addition to the basic or essential price plan.
  • WhatsApp onboarding for the phone number used with CleverTap must be completed.


Support for Integration:

For creating a new account, resolving account-related queries, or addressing any integration issues, reach out to OneXtel Support.

Integrate OneXtel with CleverTap

This process involves the following two steps:

  1. Find OneXtel Details.
  2. Configure CleverTap Dashboard.
  3. Set Up CleverTap Callbacks in OneXtel

Find OneXtel Details

We recommend having the HTTP endpoint URL (which includes the Channel ID) readily available before configuring the CleverTap dashboard. Follow these steps to access the HTTP endpoint URL:

  1. Navigate to Channels in the OneXtel dashboard.
  2. Click the Integration option on the right. To Create new Integration.


  1. Enter the following details:
Integration NameEnter a name for the integration.
PlatformSelect CleverTap as the platform.
Channel TypeSelect WhatsApp as the channel type.
Choose ChannelSelect the channel you want to integrate with CleverTap.
Create Channel Integration

Create Channel Integration

  1. Click Submit. You will be able to get the HTTP endpoint to paste into the CleverTap account.
HTTP endpoint

HTTP endpoint

Configure CleverTap Dashboard

To configure the CleverTap dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Channels > WhatsApp > WhatsApp Connect from the CleverTap dashboard.
  2. Click + Add Provider and select Generic (Other) from the dropdown.
Provider Setup

Provider Setup

  1. Enter the following details:
ProviderGeneric (Other)
NicknameEnter the nickname as OneXtel
Mobile NumberEnter the same WABA number along with the country code as mentioned on (OneXtel) while creating the channel
Request TypeEnsure the Request Type is POST
HTTP EndpointEnter the HTTP endpoint from OneXtel.
  1. To make this service provider the default provider to send a WhatsApp message, select the Mark this as default checkbox.
  2. To automatically reply to users who message on WhatsApp but are not tracked on the CleverTap dashboard, select the Set auto-reply for users not tracked on CleverTap checkbox.
  3. (Optional) You can set the Maximum Concurrent API requests anywhere between 30 to 1000 requests. Consider your requirement and the provider's limitations to define this value.
  4. Click Save.

Set Up CleverTap Callbacks in OneXtel

To set up the CleverTap callbacks:

  1. Copy the Delivery Report Callback URL from the CleverTap dashboard. You can find the Callback URLs under the Provider Setup page under Settings > Channels > WhatsApp > OneXtel
Configure callback

Configure callback

  1. Go to OneXtel dashboard, go to Channels > Integrations and paste the same Delivery Report Callback URL.


How do I set up Throttling for better campaign performance?

To set up campaign-level throttling, go to Settings > Setup > Campaign Limits, add the WhatsApp channel, set the throttle limit to 1,00,000 (recommended), and save the changes.