Journey Operations

Understand how to perform various operations for your journey.

Manage Journeys

  1. Select Journeys. This takes you to the All Journeys page.
  2. Select a journey's checkbox to manage its functioning.

Manage Journeys

This activates the Action Buttons displayed on the top left. The buttons are:

Action ButtonsDescription
StopStopCompletely halts the journey. It stops:

- qualification of new users
- movement of users within the journey
- delivery of campaigns.NOTE: Restarting a stopped journey is not possible. You can select more than one Journey to stop them together.
EllipsisEllipsisMore actions are available from the ellipsis icon:

- Clone: Enables you to copy and create a new journey. You may use the cloned journey to create an edited version from the base cloned version.
- Edit: Enables you to edit the journey. You cannot edit all parts of the Journey once published. You can only edit the Journey content.