Journey Stats
Journey Stats
Click the Journey Stats tab. The Journey Stats page appears. Select the date range from the calendar to display the Journey stats.
The Journey Stats tab shows you the combined statistics for the entire Journey. Journey ID is mentioned on the top left of the Journey Stats page.
All data except the user in Journey count, which is displayed on the upper right corner of the Journey Stats tab, are based on the selected date range.
The main stats are displayed at the top section that relates to the main stages of the user Journey.
The Goal conversion section displays the performance of the journey. You can see your influenced conversions here. It also shows a comparison with the control group's performance.
The formula to calculate the boost rate is as follows:
Boost Rate = (TG% - CG%)/CG% X 100
Where TG stands for Target Group, and CG stands for Control Group
As shown in the above image: (54.3%-18.15%)/18.15% X 100 = 200%
Conversion Rate
Conversion Rate = (Number of Conversions/Number of Visitors) X 100
The trend section provides powerful insights about the Journey, such as:
- The users who entered the Journey
- The users who exited the Journey
- The users who met the specified goal
- The users who were timed out of the Journey on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis
Updated about 2 months ago