Node Stats
Node Stats
The Node Stats tab shows you the stats for each node. You can account for all users who entered the Journey and their current state.
The ID mentioned at the node is the sequence number of the node.
Each step is indicated by an ID on the top right corner of the pertinent node.
Click the Node Stats tab. Select the date range from the calendar. The following section shows how to check the statistics for each of the node types:
Entry Node
This is the first node in the Journey. There can be only one Entry node. An Entry node can only be a Segment node.

Entry Node
Stat | Description |
Qualified | The total number of users who qualified for the journey. This stat is available only on the entry node. |
Entered Journey | The users who have entered a Journey via node connectors, such as Yes or No. |
Control Group | The number of users who were marked for the control group. A control group is a set of users who do not receive any marketing campaigns. You can measure the effectiveness of your initiatives by comparing this group with the target group of users who received your campaigns. |
Segment Nodes

Segment node
Stat | Description |
Entered Node | The total number of users who entered the node. It includes the sum of all the users from Moved forward, Waiting users, Goal Met, and Journey timeout. |
Moved forward | The users who have moved forward via node connectors, such as Yes, No, or Node Timeout. |
Waiting users | The users waiting at a node to qualify. The users may wait for either of two reasons:
Goal Met | These users have performed the intended goal, such as viewing a movie or purchasing a product.
Journey timeout exits | These are the users who exited the Journey after the time duration set for the Journey, that is, Journey Timeout is complete. |
Engage Nodes
Simply put, Engage nodes are campaigns. You can see the stats of each campaign from the Node Stats tab. Click the Engage node from the Nodes Stats tab to see the campaign statistics.

Engage Node
Stat | Description |
Entered Node | The total number of users who entered the node. It includes the sum of all the users from Moved forward, Waiting users, Goal Met, and Journey timeout. |
Moved Forward | Users who have moved forward via node connectors, such as Sent, Viewed, Clicked, Failed, and Unreachable. Unreachableβ profiles are profiles that do not have any identity, email, phone, or token (web/ push). |
Waiting users | These users may wait for either of two reasons:
Goal Met | These users have performed the intended goal, such as viewing a movie or purchasing a product.
Journey timeout exits | These are the users who exited the Journey after the time duration set for the Journey, that is, Journey Timeout is complete. |
Campaign Stats
You can view the campaign-level stats for every node. Click the Engage node to open the campaign-level stats.
Unique Users Converted
If a user enters the journey and performs the conversation event twice, only one conversation event for that unique user is counted.
Force Exit Node
This node stat shows only the number of force exits.

Force Exit Node
Updated 5 months ago