Psychographic Segments
Psychographic Segmentation is a CleverTap feature that enables you to segment your users based on event properties including their relative frequencies, date, and time.
There are three types of psychographic segments provided by CleverTap:
- Interest by Event Property
- Interest by Time of the Day
- Interest by Day of the Week
For example, you can use this feature to select only users who have predominantly purchased shoes out of their total purchases. Alternatively, you can use the at least option, which lets you select a percentage for the event you need. This means you can select only users who have purchased shoes for at least 30% of the items they have purchased. You can further segment these users by defining the time of day or day of week when the event happened.
Interest by Event Property
You can use the Predominantly option to select only users who have mostly purchased shoes out of their total purchases. In other words, the selected users may have purchased other items, but they have purchased shoes the most out of their total purchases.

Interest by Event Property - Predominantly
At Least
You can use the At Least option, which lets you select a percentage for the event you need. This means you can select only users where at least 30% of their searches have been for Harry Potter or Action.

Interest by Event Property - At Least
Predominantly vs. At Least
The Predominantly option means the event property you select will only include users, where that event property is the most frequently occurring event property for the user. The At Least option lets you specify the specific percentage you need.
Interest by Time of Day
You can use the Time of the Day and Predominantly options to segment users who have purchased items mostly between 6pm to 9pm.
This provides a set of users who have made most of their purchases between 6pm and 9pm. These users may have purchased during other times of the day, but most of their purchases have happened in this time slot.

Interest by Time of the Day - Predominantly
Interest by Day of Week
At Least
You can use the Day of the Week and At Least options to segment users where at least 30% of their purchases have been on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Interest by Day of the Week - At Least
Updated about 1 month ago