Export Format


This document provides information about the file format and the name format of the files exported to different Datawarehouse partners.

Event Export

File Name Format

The example below shows the file name format for event export:

<export request id>-<timestamp of the export run>-<event name>-<yyyymmdd>-<file index>-<database-id>.json
  • Export request ID: Indicates the export request ID generated when you create a request in the CleverTap dashboard.
  • Timestamp of export run: Indicates when the export was run.
  • Event name: Indicates the event type that is included in the file.
  • File index: We chunk the data across multiple files for larger exports. We limit file sizes to 100 MB chunks to make them more consumable. The file index indicates the file number in the file series.
  • Database ID: Indicates the database ID of the CleverTap from where the file was exported.
  • File format: Indicates the format of the file exported to the S3 bucket.

File Data Format

Event Export Schema

tsIndicates the time when the event occurred.
eventNameIndicates the name of the exported event.
profileIncludes the profile properties of the user who performed the event.
profile.identityIndicates the identity of the user.
profile.objectId Indicates the CleverTap ID of the user
profile.all_identities Indicates all the unique identities of the user present on the CleverTap.
profile.platform Indicates the platform from which they have raised the event
profile.phoneIndicates the phone number of the user, if present.
profile.name Indicates the name of the user.
profile.email Indicates the email address of the user.
  • Indicates the device token.

  • It is present if the user raises an event through the device having a token associated with it.
  • deviceInfo
    deviceInfo.makeIndicates the make of the user device
    deviceInfo.model Indicates the model of the user device through which the event is raised
    deviceInfo.appVersion Indicates the application version of the user device through which the event is raised
    deviceInfo.sdkVersion Indicates the CleverTap SDK version installed on the user device through which the event is raised.
    deviceInfo.osVersion Indicate the OS version of the user device through which the event is raised.
    deviceInfo.browser Indicates the Browser (for example, Chrome, Firefox, etc.) on the user device through which the event is raised.
    deviceInfo.dpi Indicates the DPI of the user device through which the event is raised.
    deviceInfo.dimensions.width Indicates the width of the user device through which the event is raised.
    deviceInfo.dimensions.height Indicates the height of the user device through which the event is raised.
    deviceInfo.dimensions.unitIndicates the unit of measure for user device dimensions through which the event is raised. For example, px (pixels), etc.
    eventPropsIndicates the properties of the event raised by the user. For more information, refer to Event Properties.
    sessionPropsIncludes the properties only for UTM Visited events.

    Event Properties

    Notification Sent

    This event is tracked when a campaign message is sent to a user. This event is always recorded, even if the user does not open or click on the message. This event is recorded for Email, Mobile Push, SMS, Web Push, and Facebook Audience campaigns. It is available under the Event page on the dashboard but not displayed under the user profile.

    eventProps.Campaign idHelps uniquely identify the campaign.
    eventProps.Campaign typeIndicates the type of campaign - Push, Email, etc.
    eventProps.Campaign nameIndicates the name of the campaign.
    eventProps.VariantIndicates the campaign variants created for A/B Testing.
    eventProps.Campaign labelsIndicates the labels added for the campaign.
    eventProps.Journey idHelps uniquely identify the journey in which the campaign is present.

    Notification Viewed

    This event is tracked when a user views an Email, In-App notification, or Web notification sent from the CleverTap dashboard.

    eventProps.wzrk_idIndicates the Campaign ID.
    eventProps.wzrk_pivotIndicates the campaign variants created for A/B Testing.
    eventProps.Campaign idIndicates the CleverTap campaign ID (@Parth: How is it different from wzrk_id?)
    eventProps.wzrk_ttlIndicates the time to live for the campaign.
    eventProps.wzrk_acct_idIndicates the CleverTap Account ID.
  • A flag that indicates if the Notification Viewed event is raised.

  • If present and not empty, it indicates that the Notification Viewed event was raised.
  • eventProps.wzrk_pnIndicates that the notification is sent from the CleverTap dashboard when present.
    eventProps.Campaign typeIndicates the CleverTap campaign type. For example, Push, Web Push, Webhook, etc.
    eventProps.wzrk_cidIndicates the Channel ID.
    eventProps.wzrk_bcIndicates the batch count.
    eventProps.wzrk_biIndicates the badge icon. (@parth: Is it batch or badge?)
    eventProps.wzrk_soundA boolean flag that indicates if the custom sound is to be played when the (@Parth: When is this custom sound played?)
    eventProps.wzrk_dlIndicates if the campaign includes a deep link (@Parth: Is the explanation correct?)
    eventProps.wzrk_actsIndicates the action button payload.
    eventProps.wzrk_bpIndicates the Image URL included in the notification.
    eventProps.CTAppVersionIndicates the application version. (@parth: application version of what?)
    eventProps.CTSourceIndicates the mobile phone or desktop on which the user viewed the notification. (@parth: pls check the explanation.)
    eventProps.CTLatitudeIndicates the last known latitude captured by CleverTap on launching the application.
    eventProps.CTLongitudeIndicates the last known longitude captured by CleverTap on launching the application.
    eventProps.wzrk_c2aIndicates the value of the button clicked by the user. This button can be present for the following campaign types: In-App, Push, or Mobile In-Box.
    eventProps.CT Session IdIndicates the CleverTap Session ID. (@parth: need more information here.)
    eventProps.User Agent
    eventProps.Client Name
    eventProps.mimeTypeThis property helps you understand the performance of your AMP emails. For more information, refer to Email Campaigns.
    eventProps.Campaign nameIndicates the name of the campaign.
    eventProps.Campaign labelsIndicates the labels added for the campaign
    eventProps.Journey idHelps uniquely identify the journey in which the campaign is present. This is recorded only if the campaign is part of any journey.

    Notification Clicked

    This event is tracked only when a user clicks on the campaign sent via CleverTap.

    eventProps.CampaigntypeIndicates the CleverTap campaign type. For example, Push, Web Push, Webhook, etc.
    eventProps.wzrk_pivotIndicates the campaign variants created for A/B Testing.
    eventProps.wzrk_biIndicates the badge icon. (@parth: Is it batch or badge?)
    eventProps.wzrk_ttlIndicates the time to live for the campaign.
    eventProps.wzrk_bcIndicates the batch count.
    eventProps.wzrk_dtIndicates the service used to send the message. For example, Firebase, etc.
    eventProps.wzrk_idIndicates the Campaign ID.
    eventProps.CTSourceIndicates the mobile phone or desktop on which the user viewed the notification. (@parth: pls check the explanation.)
    eventProps.wzrk_cidIndicates the Channel ID.
  • Accepts the following boolean value: true or false

  • If true, indicates that the notification is rendered through Push amplification.
  • eventProps.wzrk_pnIndicates that the notification is sent from the CleverTap dashboard when present.
    eventProps.wzrk_bpIndicates the Image URL included in the notification.
    eventProps.wzrk_acct_idIndicates the CleverTap Account ID.
  • A flag that indicates if the Notification Clicked event is raised.

  • If present and not empty, it indicates that the Notification Viewed event was raised.
  • eventProps.CTAppVersionIndicates the application version. (@parth: application version of what?)
    eventProps.wzrk_ckIndicates the collapse key.
    eventProps.wzrk_ttl_sIndicates the time to live for the campaign in seconds.
    eventProps.wzrk_cts@Parth: Help here.
    eventProps.wzrk_dlIndicates if the campaign includes a deep link (@Parth: Is the explanation correct?)
  • Captured for iOS push notification.

  • Value is 1 if enabled and 0 if disabled.

  • (@Parth: what does this property indicate?)
    eventProps.wzrk_collapsibleIndicates the Collapse key (the actual key which you have provided).
    eventProps.wzrk_stIndicates the Subtitle (@parth: Which subtitle is this?)
    eventProps.wzrk_nmsIndicates the summary text when sending push notifications.
    eventProps.wzrk_soundA boolean flag that indicates if the custom sound is to be played when the (@Parth: When is this custom sound played?)
    eventProps.wzrk_actsIndicates the action button payload.
  • Indicates the value of the button clicked by the user.

  • This button can be present for the following campaign types: In-App, Push, or Mobile In-Box.
  • eventProps.mimeTypeHelps understand the performance of the AMP emails. For more information, refer to Email Campaigns.
    eventProps.Campaign nameIndicates the name of the campaign.
    eventProps.Campaign labelsIndicates the labels added for the campaign.
    eventProps.Journey idUniquely identifies the journey in which the campaign is present. This is recorded only if the campaign is part of any journey.

    Push Impression

    This event is raised when a push notification is delivered/rendered on the device.

    eventProps.wzrk_acct_idIndicates the CleverTap Account ID.
    eventProps.wzrk_pivotIndicates the campaign variants created for A/B Testing.
    eventProps.wzrk_cidIndicates the Channel ID.
  • A flag that indicates if the Notification Viewed event is raised.

  • If present and not empty, it indicates that the Notification Viewed event was raised.
  • eventProps.wzrk_ttlIndicates the time to live for the campaign.
    eventProps.wzrk_bcIndicates the batch count.
    feventProps.wzrk_biIndicated the Badge icon.
    eventProps.wzrk_idIndicates the Campaign ID.
    eventProps.wzrk_pnIndicates that the notification is sent from the CleverTap dashboard when present.
    eventProps.Campaign typeIndicates the type of campaign - Push, Email, etc.
    eventProps.wzrk_soundA boolean flag that indicates if the custom sound is to be played when the (@Parth: When is this custom sound played?)
    eventProps.wzrk_actsIndicates the action button payload.
    eventProps.wzrk_bpIndicates the Image URL included in the notification.
    eventProps.wzrk_dlIndicates if the campaign includes a deep link (@Parth: Is the explanation correct?)
    eventProps.wzrk_ckIndicates the collapse key.
    eventProps.CTAppVersionIndicates the Application version
    eventProps.CTSourceIndicates the source of the event i.e. Mobile, Desktop, etc.
    eventProps.CTLatitudeIndicates the last known latitude captured by CleverTap on launching the application.
    eventProps.CTLongitudeIndicates the last known longitude captured by CleverTap on launching the application.
  • Accepts the following boolean value: true or false

  • If true, indicates that the notification is rendered through Push Amplification.

  • (@parth: Should we use the push amp term here - we are not using that term anymore.)
    eventProps.wzrk_dtIndicates the service used to send the message. For example, Firebase, etc.
    eventProps.wzrk_ttl_sIndicates the time to live for the campaign in seconds.
    eventProps.wzrk_stIndicates the subtitle
    eventProps.Campaign nameIndicates the name of the campaign.
    eventProps.Campaign labelsIndicates the labels added for the campaign.
    eventProps.Journey idUniquely identifies the journey in which the campaign is present. This is recorded only if the campaign is part of any journey.

    Notification Replies

    This event is raised when a user replies to any WhatsApp campaign.

    eventProps.CTSourceIndicates the source of the event, i.e. Mobile, Desktop, etc.
    eventProps.wzrk_idIndicates the Campaign ID.
    eventProps.Campaign idIndicates the CleverTap campaign ID (@Parth: How is it different from wzrk_id?)
    eventProps.Campaign typeIndicates the type of campaign - Push, Email, etc.
    eventProps.Campaign nameIndicates the name of the campaign.
    eventProps.VariantIndicates the campaign variants created for A/B Testing.
    eventProps.Campaign labelsIndicates the labels added for the campaign.
    eventProps.Journey idUniquely identifies the journey in which the campaign is present. This is recorded only if the campaign is part of any journey.

    Notification Delivered

    This event is captured when messages get delivered to the user's WhatsApp app. (Raised only for WhatsApp).

    eventProps.Campaign typeIndicates the type of Campaign.
    eventProps.CTSourceIndicates the source of the event, i.e. Mobile, Desktop, etc.
    eventProps.wzrk_idIndicates the Campaign ID.
    eventProps.wzrk_pivotIndicates the campaign variants created for A/B Testing.
    eventProps.Campaign nameIndicates the name of the campaign.
    eventProps.Campaign labelsIndicates the labels added for the campaign.
    eventProps.Journey idUniquely identifies the journey in which the campaign is present.

    Reply Sent

    This event is recorded when an agent (CleverTap user) replies to a message from the end user.

    eventProps.CT SourceIndicates the source of the event, i.e. Mobile, Desktop, etc.
    eventProps.Campaign idIndicates the campaign ID to uniquely identify the campaign.
    eventProps.Campaign typeIndicates the type of campaign.

    App Installed

    This event is recorded when the user installs the application.

    eventProps.ct_app_versionIndicates the version of the application.
    (@Parth: How is it different from eventProps.CTApp Version mentioned under Push Impression)
    eventProps.CTSourceIndicates the source of the event, i.e. Mobile, Desktop, etc.
    eventProps.ct_latitudeIndicates the last known latitude captured by CleverTap on launching the application. (@Parth: How is it different from eventProps.CTLatitude mentioned under Push Impression?)
    eventProps.ct_longitudeIndicates the last known longitude captured by CleverTap on launching the application. (@Parth: How is it different from eventProps.CTLongitude mentioned under Push Impression)

    App Launched

    This event is recorded every time the user launches the application.

    eventProps.CTNetworkCarrierIndicates the network carrier for the user's device.
    eventProps.CTSourceIndicates the source of the event i.e. Mobile, Desktop, etc.
    eventProps.CTBluetoothVersionIndicates the Bluetooth version of the user's device.
    eventProps.CTSDKVersionIndicates CleverTap SDK version which is used (@parth: where is the SDK version used?)
    eventProps.CT BluetoothEnabledIndicates if Bluetooth is enabled for the user's device.
    eventProps.CTOSVersionIndicates the OS version of the user's device.
    eventProps.CTNetworkTypeIndicates the type of network being used on the user's device. For example, Wifi, 4G, etc.
    eventProps.ModelIndicates the model of the user's device.
    eventProps.CT LongitudeIndicates the last known longitude captured by CleverTap on launching the application.
    eventProps.CT LatitudeIndicates the last known latitude captured by CleverTap on launching the application.
    eventProps.CTConnectedToWiFiIndicates if the user's device is connected to Wifi.
    eventProps.CT Session IdIndicates the CleverTap session ID. (@parth: need more information here.)
    eventProps.CTAppVersionIndicates the version of the application installed on the user's device. (@parth: check if this is correct.)

    App Uninstalled

    This event is recorded every time the user uninstalls the application.

    eventProps.CT SourceIndicates the source of the event i.e. Mobile, Desktop, etc.
    eventProps.clevertapIdIndicates the unique device identifier. This is assigned to all the users when they launch the app for the first time. (@parth: Pls confirm if this is correct.)
    eventProps.tokenIndicates the Device token of the event
    eventProps.sourceIndicates the source of event i.e. FCM or API

    Webhook Delivered

    This event is recorded when a Webhook campaign is delivered successfully.

    eventProps.CT SourceIndicates the source of the event, i.e. Mobile, Desktop etc.
    eventProps.ct_app_versionIndicates the version of App (@Parth: How is it different from eventProps.CT App Version mentioned under Push Impression)
    eventProps.ct_latitudeIndicates the Latitude of the User. (@Parth: How is it different from eventProps.CT Latitude mentioned under Push Impression)
    eventProps.all_identitiesIndicates All Identity of User
    eventProps.ct_longitudeIndicates the Longitude of the User. (@Amrita, How is it different from eventProps.CT Longitude mentioned under Push Impression)
    eventProps.session_props | session_source
    eventProps.Campaign IdUniquely identifies the campaign.
    eventProps.mp_processing_time_msIndicates the time in which we get a response from the customer API.
    eventProps.tsIndicates the timestamp of the event.

    Channel Unsubscribed

    This event is raised when a user unsubscribe from any groups in an Email.

    eventProps.VariantIndicates the campaign variants created for A/B Testing.
    eventProps.GroupSubscription Group
    eventProps.TypeIndicates the type of campaign - Push, Email, etc. (@Parth, how is it different from eventProps.Campaign type?)
    eventProps.Campaign idHelps uniquely identify the campaign.
    eventProps.Subscription TypeIndicates the type of Subscription
    eventProps.IdentityIndicates the Unique Identity of the User
    eventProps.ReasonIndicates the reason for Unsubscribing/Resubscribing
    eventProps.Campaign type@Parth, How is it different from eventProps.Type ?

    Custom Control Group

    This event is raised when a campaign is activated with a Control group.

    eventProps.CT SourceIndicates the source of the event i.e. Mobile, Desktop etc.
    eventProps.wzrk_idIndicates the Campaign ID.
    eventProps.wzrk_pivotIndicates the campaign variants created for A/B Testing.
    eventProps.Campaign idIndicates the CleverTap campaign ID (@Parth: How is it different from wzrk_id?)
    eventProps.Campaign nameIndicates the name of the campaign.
    eventProps.Campaign typeIndicates the type of campaign - Push, Email, etc.
    eventProps.Campaign labelsIndicates the labels added for the campaign.
    eventProps.Journey idHelps uniquely identify the journey in which the campaign is present.

    System Control Group

    This event is raised when a campaign is activated with a Control group.

    eventProps.CT SourceIndicates the source of the event i.e. Mobile, Desktop etc.
    eventProps.wzrk_idIndicates the Campaign ID.
    eventProps.wzrk_pivotIndicates the campaign variants created for A/B Testing.
    eventProps.Campaign idIndicates the CleverTap campaign ID (@Parth: How is it different from wzrk_id?)
    eventProps.Campaign nameIndicates the name of the campaign.
    eventProps.Campaign typeIndicates the type of campaign - Push, Email, etc.
    eventProps.Journey idHelps uniquely identify the journey in which the campaign is present.

    Custom & Journey Control Group (Journeys)

    This event is raised when a Journey Campaign is activated with a Control group.

    eventProps.Journey idHelps uniquely identify the journey in which the campaign is present.
    eventProps.Journey nameIndicates Unique Journey identifier (@Parth, how is it different from eventProps.Journey id?)

    System Control Group (Journeys)

    This event is raised when a Journey Campaign is activated with a Control group.

    eventProps.Journey idHelps uniquely identify the journey in which the campaign is present.
    eventProps.Journey nameIndicates Unique Journey identifier (@Parth, how is it different from eventProps.Journey id?)

    Geocluster Entered

    This event is raised when a user enters a Geo Cluster.

    eventProps.ct_connected_to_wifiStatus of Wifi on the device when event was raised (True/False)
    eventProps.ct_sourceSource is mobile or web
    eventProps.network_carrierNetwork Carrier for the device
    eventProps.os_versionOS Version of device
    eventProps.application_versionVersion of App
    eventProps.ct_sdk_versionCT SDK Verson being used by the app when event was raised
    eventProps.geofence_idCT Geogence ID
    eventProps.cluster_nameCT Geofence Cluster Name
    eventProps.cluster_idCT Geofence Cluster ID
    eventProps.ct_network_typeCT Network Type

    GeoCluster Exited

    This event is raised when a user enters a Geo Cluster.

    eventProps.ct_sourceSource is mobile or web
    eventProps.network_carrierNetwork Carrier for the device
    eventProps.os_versionOS Version of device
    eventProps.application_versionVersion of App
    eventProps.ct_sdk_versionCT SDK Verson being used by the app when event was raised
    eventProps.geofence_idCT Geogence ID
    eventProps.cluster_nameCT Geofence Cluster Name
    eventProps.cluster_idCT Geofence Cluster ID
    eventProps.ct_connected_to_wifiStatus of Wifi on the device when event was raised (True/False)

    AB Experiment Stopped

    This event is raised when the A/B experiment is stopped.

    eventProps.ct_sourceSource is mobile or web
    eventProps.mutually_exclusiveShould show only 1 experiment
    eventProps.variantVariant of Experiment
    eventProps.variant_idUnique Variant ID
    eventProps.versionVersion of Experiment
    eventProps.experiment_idExperiment ID

    AB Experiment Rolled Out

    This event is raised when the A/B experiment is sent to users.

    eventProps.VariantVariant of Experiment
    eventProps.Variant IdUnique Variant ID
    eventProps.CT SourceSource is mobile or web
    eventProps.VersionVersion of Experiment
    eventProps.Experiment IdExperiment ID
    eventProps.Mutually ExclusiveShould show only 1 experiment

    AB Experiment Disqualified

    This event is raised when a user is disqualified from the A/B experiment.

    AB Experiment Rendered

    This event is raised when the A/B experiment is rendered to a user.

    eventProps.VariantVariant of Experiment
    eventProps.Variant IdUnique Variant ID
    eventProps.CT SourceSource is mobile or web
    eventProps.VersionVersion of Experiment
    eventProps.Experiment IdExperiment ID
    eventProps.Mutually ExclusiveShould show only 1 experiment

    State Transitioned

    This event is recorded for lifecycle optimizer when a user transitions from one stage to another.

    eventProps.DestinationDestination Value
    eventProps.TypeType Value of Lifecycle
    eventProps.ModelModel Value
    eventProps.SourceValue of Source

    Session Concluded

    This event is raised when a user session is completed.

    eventProps.Session LengthTime for which user was using apps
    eventProps.Session IdUnique CT Session identifier

    UTM Visited

    This event is tracked when a user clicks on a link from a marketing campaign that has a UTM parameter defined on it.

    eventProps.Campaign idCampaign ID for campaigns
    eventProps.CT LatitudeLatitude
    eventProps.CT LongitudeLongitude
    eventProps.CT App VersionVersion of App
    eventProps.CT SourceSource is mobile or web
    eventProps.Campaign typeType of Campaign - Push, Email, SMS
    eventProps.InstallY or N
    eventProps.wzrk_idCampaign ID for campaigns
    sessionProps.utm_campaignCampaign name
    sessionProps.utm_mediumMedium like email , banner etc
    sessionProps.utm_sourceOrigination source

    User Profile Export

    File Name Format

    <export request id>-<timestamp of the export run>-<event name>-<yyyymmdd>-<file index>-<database-id>.json
    • File Name Format for User Profile Export:
      The example below shows the file name format for user profile export:
      • Account ID: Indicates the integer value for your CleverTap project ID.
      • Request ID: Indicates the export request ID generated when you create a request in the CleverTap dashboard.
      • Timestamp of export run: Indicates when the export was run.
      • Database ID: Indicates the database ID of the CleverTap from where the file was exported.
      • File format: Indicates the format of the file exported to the S3 bucket.
    <account id>-<request id>-<timestamp of the export run>-<database-id>-<file format>.gz

    File Data Format

    Files are split by event names for event exports and each file will have all event data for the given period for the event.


    The first line of the file contains the event name. After the first line, each line in JSON describes the timestamp, object id, and event properties.

    	"profile": {
    		"identity": "dqsndckfk234"
    	"ts": 20171109000015,
    	"eventProps": {
    		"ct_connected_to_wifi": "false",
    		"ct_bluetooth_version": "ble",
    		"ct_bluetooth_enabled": "false",
    		"ct_sdk_version": 30107,
    		"ct_latitude": -6.1975594,
    		"ct_longitude": 106.52913,
    		"ct_os_version": "5.1.1",
    		"ct_app_version": "2.30.1",
    		"ct_network_carrier": "3",
    		"ct_network_type": "4G"


    CSV files are comma-delimited and have each event in separate rows.


    Sample CSV File


    XML has the timeStamp, eventName, followed by eventProperties.

        <eventName>Export Custom Event</eventName>
                <key>CT Source</key>
                <value>Mens Watch</value>
                <key>Product name</key>
                <value>Casio Chronograph Watch</value>


    Parquet has a timestamp, eventName, and eventProperties for each event.


    Parquet File Format

    Parquet is an open-source file format for Hadoop. Parquet stores nested data structures in a flat columnar format.

    EventDescriptionEvent PropertiesDescription
    Notification SentThis event is tracked when a campaign message is sent to a user. This event is always recorded, even if the user does not open or click on the message. This event is recorded for email, mobile push, SMS, web push, and Facebook Audience campaigns. The Notification Sent event is available on the Event dashboard, but it is not displayed on the User Profile.
    eventProps.Campaign idCampaign unique identifier