Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


The GCP Export feature enables you to bulk export your CleverTap event or profile data to a GCP bucket. You can use this feature to export your CleverTap data for analysis in BI tools or for storage in your data warehouse for analysis in the future.


Contact your account manager at CleverTap to know more about getting this feature enabled for your account.


This feature can be configured to export data for all events or specific type of events that you select. You also have the option to set up automatic reoccurring exports ranging from every 4 hours to every 24 hours.


Setup Steps

Step 1 - Create a Service Account for your Project

Login into your GCP account , select the project in which you want your CleverTap exports to reside in, if you do not have a project create a new project.
In left Panel select IAM and Admin -> Service Accounts and create a new Service Account linked to the selected project .
This is the account which you will use to Authenticate and Authorise CleverTap to upload Exports to your GCP project.

  1. Enter Service account name and description
  1. Permissions -> Storage Admin and continue.
  1. Create a JSON key for the Service account .
    Click on create key and select Key Type-> JSON and click Create .
    JSON key will Auto download to your machine , save it as we will need the key later for uploading to CleverTap.

Step 2 - Create A Bucket

In this step, we will create a bucket which will hold the Exports from CleverTap.
In the left panel navigate to Storage and click on Create Bucket.


Name your bucket and fill in the other details as per your requirements.


Once done bucket will look like in the image below .


Step 3 - Add Your GCP Service Credentials and Bucket Details to CleverTap

In this step we will add your Service account credentials(created in Step 1) and bucket name to CleverTap .

  1. Login to your CleverTap account, and navigate to this page. Click on the Settings -> Partner-> Exports->Google
  1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Service Account Key JSON file and paste them in the Service Key.
    Add the name of the bucket as given in the project and click on Save Credentials.
    You will see a successful Credentials Saved message.


Error when saving credential

  1. Check if the bucket name is same as it is GCP. Bucket names needs to be an exact match.
  2. Generate the Service Account key again , copy and paste new key here .

Service Account Key


Step 4 - Create a New Data Export

Click on the Partner Data -> Exports -> Activity Log -> Create Export


When creating export there are various settings that need to be defined

Choose export Partner

  • GCP for exporting Data to GCP

Choose export Type

  • All user events - Will export data for all events that have been defined which includes System and Custom events
  • Select Events - Will export specific events that you want to export
  • All user profiles - Will export all you user profile data

Choose export Frequency

  • One time - Single Export for the export type selected . You can export data up the last 45 days
  • Recurring - Setup a recurring export which will export all the new events/user profiles captured in the last window. You can export as frequently as every 4 hours and upto once every 24 hours

Choose export Format

  • JSON
  • XML
  • CSV
  • Parquet


Stop Recurring Profile Export to do one time Export

If there is a scheduled recurring profile export, you must stop it to run a one time profile export.


CleverTap will now process the export. You can refresh the Activity Log page to see the current status of the export. Once the export is completed, the status for that export will say Done.
For Recurring Exports the status will always be Pending .


To confirm your event data was successfully exported,

  • GCP-> Go the bucket and search with the requestid for the export from the Activity log , you should be able to see the files here .

Export Format

File Name Format

The example below shows the file name format for data exports.

  • The export request id is generated when you create a request in the CleverTap dashboard.
  • The timestamp is when the export was run.
  • The event name is event type that is included in the file.
  • For larger exports, we chunk the data across multiple files. The file index notes what file number in the file series it is. We have limited file sizes to 100 MB chunks to make them more consumable.
<export request id>-<timestamp of the export run>-<event name>-<yyyymmdd>-<file index>-<database-id>.json

File Data Format

File Data Format

  • Files will be split by Event Names for Event Exports , each file will all event data for the given period for the Event


The first line of the file contains the event name. After the first line, each line is JSON describing the timestamp, object id, and event properties.

	"profile": {
		"identity": "dqsndckfk234"
	"ts": 20171109000015,
	"eventProps": {
		"ct_connected_to_wifi": "false",
		"ct_bluetooth_version": "ble",
		"ct_bluetooth_enabled": "false",
		"ct_sdk_version": 30107,
		"ct_latitude": -6.1975594,
		"ct_longitude": 106.52913,
		"ct_os_version": "5.1.1",
		"ct_app_version": "2.30.1",
		"ct_network_carrier": "3",
		"ct_network_type": "4G"


CSV files will be comma delimited and will have each events in separate rows .



Will have the timeStamp , eventName followed by eventProperties.

    <eventName>Export Custom Event</eventName>
        <all_identities>[email protected]</all_identities>
        <email>[email protected]</email>
            <key>CT Source</key>
            <value>Mens Watch</value>
            <key>Product name</key>
            <value>Casio Chronograph Watch</value>


Will have timestamp ,eventName and eventProperties for each event


Parquet File Format

Parquet, an open source file format for Hadoop. Parquet stores nested data structures in a flat columnar format