Gmail/Google Apps

If you want to use your existing Gmail or Google Apps account to send out emails, you can do so using the SMTP integration.

Step 1: Gmail Settings

  • You’ll require to generate an App password with Google.
  • Activate 2-Step Verification process.
  • Visit the App passwords page.
  • Follow the steps here to set it up and save the password you generate.

Step 2: Integrating Gmail with CleverTap

  • In the dashboard, navigate to Settings and click on Integrate Email.
  • Select SMTPS.
  • In the Host text box, fill in
  • In the Port text box, fill in 465.
  • Username and Password values should your email address and the App password that you generated.
  • From Address – this value is used as the sender email address.
  • Save your settings.
  • Finally, click Send a test email.

Step 3: Understanding Bounces

When an email is rejected by a recipient’s email server, it’s called a bounce.

There are two kinds of bounces:

  • Soft Bounces : Soft bounces typically indicate a temporary delivery issue to an address. Some reasons for a soft bounce could be that the recipient’s mailbox is full, or the Mail Server is down. Soft bounces are included in the campaign reports; the users are not marked as unsubscribed.
  • Hard Bounces : A hard bounce indicates a permanent reason an email cannot be delivered. Hard bounces are included in the campaign reports; the users are marked as unsubscribed.

Step 4: Processing Bounces

To process bounced email messages, you’ll need to make an HTTP request to the callback URL specified in Dashboard → Settings → Connectors tab → Email section.

The request should be of type HTTP POST with the payload in the following format.

// if you're not sure of the time of the bounce, just set it to the current epoch
        "event": "softbounce",
        "data": [
                "e": "[email protected]",  // email id that soft bounced
                "ts": 1435322805                  // time of the bounce
                "e": "[email protected]", // email id that soft bounced
                "ts": 1435322805                  // time of the bounce
        "event": "hardbounce",
        "data": [
                "e": "[email protected]",   // email id that hard bounced
                "ts": 1435322805

Step 5: Handling Unsubscriptions

To handle unsubscription requests from users, you can follow the steps mentioned here.